Individual Therapy
Take some time away from the demand of daily life to spend some time on yourself. This is a time for you to work on goals and have support in areas that are most important to you.
Individual therapy
Individual therapy gives individuals the time and space to confidently talk through problems and work with the therapist to process feelings and work toward solutions. You would talk to your Therapist and together create a treatment plan that is best suited for your specific needs. There are many different models for individual therapy, and we work hard to match you with a therapist that is best for you.
Family Planning Therapy
Our clinician is trained by the Postpartum Support International, Gottman Institute Bringing Baby Home and Touchstone Institute for EMDR therapy for Peripartum therapy to provide evidence based trauma informed care.
Family Planning
Whether it is IVF, IUI, egg donors, adoptions and pregnancy loss we have helped clients navigate the challenges and emotional rollercoaster during family planning.
Pregnancy Support
Utilizing evidence based research to guide clients and their partner through the challenges of pregnancy.
Postpartum & New Parents
After the baby comes, emotions may be high, and many suffer from postpartum depression and/or anxiety. Navigating the baby’s needs with a lack of sleep can be difficult. We are here to walk with you.